Become a Project REEFrame Sponsor!

Help Save Our Coral Reefs

with a Project REEFrame eGift card

Sponsorship is the primary funding source for our project and your sponsorship of a artificial reef or nursery table goes a long way to help us achieve our conservation goals.

Coral needs a hard surface to grow on, and although our local water conditions are very favorable to coral growth, the sea floor of the UAE coastline is mainly just sand where coral can’t grow. The natural coral reefs grow on the limited areas of rocky outcrop on the seafloor or around small islands, and these are the areas where we rescue naturally broken coral fragments from the sand before they get covered in sediment and die.

These fragments are nursed back to health on our nursery tables and grown until we can transplant them onto artificial reefs.

Project REEFrame is creating new areas for coral to grow, transforming a barren sandy seascape into beautiful coral reefs, bustling with life and biodiversity. Over the next decade, the REEFrame structures will provide the framework to recreate natural reefs in areas where they were previously lost. 

The UAE shallow water reefs have been hit hard over recent years by increasing sea temperatures that have caused major coral bleaching events, and some species of coral are almost extinct in our local waters.

Project REEFrame is rescuing as much coral as possible and placing it at cooler depths to ensure we preserve this vital resource for future generations.

Act now to help us to save our coral reef ecosystems before it is too late!

You can review and select your sponsorship options below, if you don’t find what you want, please contact us to design a custom solution!

Sponsor Project REEFrame

Project REEFrame is entirely funded by private and corporate sponsorship, we need your help to save our coral reefs

Help us educate volunteers through our scholarship program!

Become a sponsor of the Project REEFrame education program and help build our volunteer pool!

The Project REEFrame Scholarship Program is funded by sponsorships and allows us to train volunteers and citizen scientists of all ages to perform coral propagation and scientific monitoring of the reefs. Saving our coral reefs is extremely labour intensive and helping us to build a skilled community of practitioners is a vital component of the project’s success.

If you would like to discuss your sponsorship options or find out more about Project REEFrame, please leave your contact details below and our team will contact you shortly.