Our Ocean Needs Environmental Sponsorship

Our coral reef ecosystems are in great danger, and without environmental sponsorship, they are at risk of becoming extinct. Sadly, far too many coral species have already been eradicated, and many more are heading that way. At Freestyle Divers, we are proud to present Project REEFrame, which aims to tackle the devastating demise of our coral reefs within the UAE, by safeguarding and developing our reef systems to ensure a brighter future for generations to come.


Without this work, our coral reef ecosystems are at risk of complete failure. It may surprise you just how many roles the ocean fulfils. Coral reefs provide shelter and breeding space for 25-35% of global marine species, the ocean has absorbed around 40% of the carbon dioxide that fossil fuels have created since the industrial revolution, and it produces more than 50% of our oxygen. These are just a few examples of the extraordinary weight the ocean carries, and if this destruction continues, where would that leave us?

Environmental Sponsorship – Where Your Money Goes

Environmental sponsorship is our primary funding source of Project REEFrame, and sponsorships make a huge difference towards achieving our goals. There are many ways in which you can help, so take a look at our various sponsor opportunities:

Rescue a coral

Choosing to sponsor a coral rescue enables us to rescue naturally broken pieces of coral reef that would quickly die without intervention. We take good care of them in our nursery, and when they are strong enough, transplant them onto our artificial reefs or back onto damaged areas of the natural reefs. Preserving our coral reef heritage is essential, and you could be a part of it.

Coral nursery table

If you imagine a greenhouse for our gardens, that’s essentially the role that a coral nursery table performs on Project REEFrame. The rescued coral is placed here to develop and grow to a healthy 15cm colony before it can be returned to the natural reef or outplanted onto artificial reefs to help create new ecosystems. As you can imagine, to fill our Phase 2 site with 10,000m2 of new reefs we need a lot of nursery tables, so your environmental sponsorship would be gratefully appreciated in this area.

Artificial reefs

These cleverly designed structures allow new places for coral to grow. They enable us to create new coral reefs in abandoned and empty areas, with the aim of creating a fresh biodiverse ecosystem! Our artificial reefs come in a variety of sizes and structures, so do check them out here https://freestyledivers.me/reeframe-landing-page-artificial-reefs-and-coral-nursery-tables/ to see which is your favourite.

Scholarship program

Another important pillar of Project REEFrame is educating and upskilling our fantastic volunteers. We need a lot of hands on-deck, so your backing in this area will allow us to train our support network with everything they need to know about coral reef conservation.

Gift a sponsorship

Give the gift of a brighter future to a marine mad family member, friend, or colleague. Choose your desired value herehttps://freestyledivers.me/reeframe-landing-page-artificial-reefs-and-coral-nursery-tables/ and allow your chosen recipient to select their favourite environmental sponsorship to support.

Environmental Sponsorship is Just the Beginning

Coral reefs face numerous threats that put them in danger, and we need to act now before it’s too late. Protecting our ocean is everyone’s responsibility, and things won’t improve if we just sit back and do nothing. It’s time to take a stand against global warming and help us at Freestyle Divers to protect our coral reefs. If you would like to find out more about ways in which you can help through environmental sponsorship, then head to our website links below to read deeper into Project REEFrame and feel our passion towards our mission.

Both of these links point to the landing page which contains the Project REEFrame description https://freestyledivers.me/reeframe-landing-page-save-uae-coral-reefs/